Jess Knauft


Jess Knauft

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Jess Knauft is currently our pastor here at Shepherd of the Valley in Santa Ynez. 

Along with his lovely wife, Debbi, Jess has two grown children. His son is a mathematician educator and & his daughter in law is also an educator. Jess' daughter and son in law serve in the Navy as pilots. 

Jess brings inspirational insights each week with an emphasis on helping people face life with spiritually grounded optimism, perseverance and humor. He believes that living out a grace-filled life of faith and love can make a positive impact on our personal lives and our interactions with others. His messages regularly share insights for meeting life challenges with a fresh perspective of grace and a goal towards experiencing life with God in an uplifting manner. He believes that a change in one’s thinking can change one’s life.

                                                   Installed on August 17, 2019