Educational Scholarship Application

Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
Educational Endowment Committee
Scholarship Application

In order for the Educational Endowment Committee to evaluate your request to be considered
for a scholarship grant, it’s requested that you furnish a biographical cover letter that includes
evidence of your academic achievement.  This should be a transcript of your high school grades. 

We also ask that you submit an essay, not to exceed 500 words, describing your goals, your
career objectives, your extra curricular activities, about anything you do on a volunteer basis,
where you want to go to college, and how the costs of your college education are budgeted
and will be fulfilled.  Also describe how your faith affects and directs your life.  Please include
anything else you believe will help us in doing a fair evaluation of your request. 

The third item we request are three letters of recommendation.  They should include one from
your school counselor or teacher, one as a personal recommendation, and a third of your choice.

Following that, we will no doubt want to have an informal discussion with you so that we fully
understand everything about your request.

Roughly, the timetable for these activities is to receive your application essay between
January 1st and March 31st, have an informal chat sometime in April, and a decision by this
committee in May.


Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
3550 Baseline Ave.
Santa Ynez, CA 93460